Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sparkling Beads for baby!

Recently I was asked to create a set of sparkling ears for a baby. Knowing that the rhinestone chain I usually use for such ears might actually scratch the delicate skin of a baby, I suggested that this hat would be better done in sparkling beads. So I chose a bead type that has a square hole lined with silver (like a mirror) to over stitch the name added at the park. But I changed the shape of the "S" because I didn't feel the original cursive "S" would read well in beads. I thought it came out very nice. Of course it sparkled better when moving.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Leather Oswald

I finished a set of leather Oswald ears and forgot to post about them! Silly me.

I had finished them just after I finished the set of Mickey ears for Eric. It was really a way to fix the mistake I had made by putting a "k' on the end of the name before I had added the "Er." Soooo, I was forced to salvage the leather piece by applying it to the set of Oswald ears I had planned on making for my self. Darn, Tee hee.
They went to Badger Flat with me and to Knots Scary Farm with the bears Thursday before Gay Days Weekend.