Friday, August 16, 2013

Small Ears

Mango in his Ears
Click any pic to enlarge.

Close up of the stitching

Mango's mini
Mickey Mouse Ears

I hand stitched this hat in a shimmery white thread for my friend Marvin to give to Mango. The hat was the bear size hat from build a bear, so it's too small for the machines at the park. Marvin didn't want anything too flashy for Mango. So there aren't any beads, or crystals. It is real hand sewn chain stitch though. Note the ears stitched onto the final "o". As you can see it fits. I assure you that mango likes it; Marvin said so.

Monday, August 12, 2013


Click photo to enlarge.
This is full back rhinestones set in a metal chain, fitted to the machine embroidered copy of Walt's handwriting (that embroidery used to be available as a standard stitching with the purchase of a hat at only one location in the park.) It is the quickest form of embellishment I can offer and one of the best at getting noticed. But the materials cost is on the higher end. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

My Pearls

Click photo to enlarge
These more conservative or subtle ears are beaded in seed pearls with a sequin flower to dot the "i". The original stitching of my name was some of the last hand controlled, chain stitched embroidery available at Disneyland.